Thursday, July 5, 2012

If You Give a Mom a Cookie...

So have you ever read those books... If You Give a Mouse a Cookie...? A lot of you parents will know what I'm talking about. Well, anyway, I discovered I'm very much like those books. See, in the books it goes something like this...

If you give a mouse a cookie, he's going to want a glass of milk.
If you give him a glass of milk, he's going to want a napkin too.
If you give him a napkin, he's going to want to wash his face.......... And so on.

I've noticed this is very much like me and this is why I never seem to accomplish anything at home. See, my day goes like this...

I'm hungry, so I go to fix breakfast.
On the way to fix breakfast, I knock over the popsicle tray and remember I wanted to make popsicles today.
So I go to the computer to get the recipe.
On the way to the computer, I realize the bedroom light is on.
On the way to turn off the light, I see I need to do laundry.
On the way to take the laundry to the washer, I see toys on the floor.
On the way to put the toys away, I realize there's stuff on the counter to take back to Walmart
Then I remember I need to make a list of what I need at Walmart.
While I'm out going to Walmart, I'll need to go by Home Depot to get lattice for the porch.
But I can't buy the lattice until I know what size, so I go out to get a measurement.
When I come back inside I realize I'm hot and thirsty from being outside and I want something to drink.
When I go to get something to drink, I remember I still haven't had breakfast.
So on my way back to the kitchen to get breakfast... the baby cries.

What a day.

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