Sunday, June 24, 2012

First Day Back

So this past Friday was my first day back to work. I guess you could say I was a mix of emotions. I was nervous because I haven't done this in three months. Worried I'd forgotten more than I remembered. Upset about leaving my baby behind. Excited to get out of the house, go back to work, and do something productive.. and happy to be bringing in a paycheck again.

3am came WAY too early for me, but that's when I had to get up. I had spent a while the night previous getting things ready like my meals, clothes, purse, etc., but certain things can't be done until the morning. So 3am was it. I was finished getting everything together, getting ready and out the door to work by 5.

No, it doesn't take me 2 hours to get ready normally, but when you're a mom still feeding a newborn... well, there you have it.

So all the way to work, I spent the time praying and telling myself I could do this. I felt like it was my first day at a new job. I was hoping no one had called in, no major problems would arise, and things - for the most part - would go rather smoothly.

For the most part they did. I found out I left my phone at home, so I was nervous about that. My mom was taking care of Briley and Wyatt was at daycare, but I knew if either of them tried to contact me about the kids, it was no use. Although they both could've called Jeffrey in case of an emergency... I'M the MAMA!

I had a couple mishaps - nothing you really want to know a nurse might do - but nothing was serious or dangerous to my patients. It just took a while to get back into the routine of things and remember how I did them before I left on maternity leave. I forgot a few names, but they came back to me quickly. A few things had changed there and it may still take me a day or two to get in the habit of working full days again, but I'm really glad to be back at it and feeling productive.

So some people have asked how my first day back to work went. Nothing too thrilling, but there it is. The worst part was being away from Briley. Wyatt is fairly self-sufficient and doesn't want/ need mommy to do things for him, but to come home and spend time with him and then get to cuddle with Briley for a while was wonderful. The saying, "You don't know what you've got til it's gone" is SO true. I enjoy my time with my kids, but when that time is cut shorter by responsibilities like work, the time I get with them is so much more precious. (I even skipped my "alone time" on the elliptical to have a little more playtime with them.)

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