Thursday, July 5, 2012

If You Give a Mom a Cookie...

So have you ever read those books... If You Give a Mouse a Cookie...? A lot of you parents will know what I'm talking about. Well, anyway, I discovered I'm very much like those books. See, in the books it goes something like this...

If you give a mouse a cookie, he's going to want a glass of milk.
If you give him a glass of milk, he's going to want a napkin too.
If you give him a napkin, he's going to want to wash his face.......... And so on.

I've noticed this is very much like me and this is why I never seem to accomplish anything at home. See, my day goes like this...

I'm hungry, so I go to fix breakfast.
On the way to fix breakfast, I knock over the popsicle tray and remember I wanted to make popsicles today.
So I go to the computer to get the recipe.
On the way to the computer, I realize the bedroom light is on.
On the way to turn off the light, I see I need to do laundry.
On the way to take the laundry to the washer, I see toys on the floor.
On the way to put the toys away, I realize there's stuff on the counter to take back to Walmart
Then I remember I need to make a list of what I need at Walmart.
While I'm out going to Walmart, I'll need to go by Home Depot to get lattice for the porch.
But I can't buy the lattice until I know what size, so I go out to get a measurement.
When I come back inside I realize I'm hot and thirsty from being outside and I want something to drink.
When I go to get something to drink, I remember I still haven't had breakfast.
So on my way back to the kitchen to get breakfast... the baby cries.

What a day.

Sunday, June 24, 2012

First Day Back

So this past Friday was my first day back to work. I guess you could say I was a mix of emotions. I was nervous because I haven't done this in three months. Worried I'd forgotten more than I remembered. Upset about leaving my baby behind. Excited to get out of the house, go back to work, and do something productive.. and happy to be bringing in a paycheck again.

3am came WAY too early for me, but that's when I had to get up. I had spent a while the night previous getting things ready like my meals, clothes, purse, etc., but certain things can't be done until the morning. So 3am was it. I was finished getting everything together, getting ready and out the door to work by 5.

No, it doesn't take me 2 hours to get ready normally, but when you're a mom still feeding a newborn... well, there you have it.

So all the way to work, I spent the time praying and telling myself I could do this. I felt like it was my first day at a new job. I was hoping no one had called in, no major problems would arise, and things - for the most part - would go rather smoothly.

For the most part they did. I found out I left my phone at home, so I was nervous about that. My mom was taking care of Briley and Wyatt was at daycare, but I knew if either of them tried to contact me about the kids, it was no use. Although they both could've called Jeffrey in case of an emergency... I'M the MAMA!

I had a couple mishaps - nothing you really want to know a nurse might do - but nothing was serious or dangerous to my patients. It just took a while to get back into the routine of things and remember how I did them before I left on maternity leave. I forgot a few names, but they came back to me quickly. A few things had changed there and it may still take me a day or two to get in the habit of working full days again, but I'm really glad to be back at it and feeling productive.

So some people have asked how my first day back to work went. Nothing too thrilling, but there it is. The worst part was being away from Briley. Wyatt is fairly self-sufficient and doesn't want/ need mommy to do things for him, but to come home and spend time with him and then get to cuddle with Briley for a while was wonderful. The saying, "You don't know what you've got til it's gone" is SO true. I enjoy my time with my kids, but when that time is cut shorter by responsibilities like work, the time I get with them is so much more precious. (I even skipped my "alone time" on the elliptical to have a little more playtime with them.)

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Reading Burns Calories

So Jeffrey and I have decided we are too fat and unhealthy and we need to lose weight.  Well, I used the word "fat", not Jeffrey. Trust me, he wouldn't use that word on me even though he knows I use it on myself. Jeffrey just agrees we need to lose weight.

We decided this 2 years ago when Wyatt was born, so we joined a gym. And stopped going.
We decided this 1 year ago when I got pregnant, so we bought a used elliptical. And didn't use it.
We decided this again just after Briley was born and now, we've actually started taking action.

About two weeks ago, Jeffrey started using the elliptical. At first, I have to admit, I was impressed. Neither one of us have been on this thing since I got pregnant. But on the other hand, I'm going "Crap. Now I have to do it." See, when we first bought the elliptical, I made Jeffrey a promise; I would get on the machine every day that he did.

So I got my rear-end on the elliptical and did 10 minutes. I thought I was going to die... collapse on the blasted machine, knock myself out and end up sprawled out on the floor of my son's playroom. I did just over 1 mile that night but I thought it would never end.

Over the next few days I tried to force my way to longer times or distances, but it took me almost a week to get a clue. Read. Seriously, I plop my NookColor up on the elliptical and start reading. I love to read, but even though I've been on maternity leave for the last few weeks, I don't have the time. I'm doing a thousand other mommy and wife duties and have no time to myself. Now I do.

I've discovered that not only does exercising give me an excuse to be "alone", but I can actually read my book(s) and burn calories. Finish a chapter and it's been 15 minutes; two or three chapters and I'm rocking!! Now I'm doing 30+ minutes a day, 3+ miles, and I finally found a way to look forward to exercising. It may have taken me a while, but something finally clicked and last week... I lost TWO POUNDS. That may not sound like much to you, but to me, it's a step in the right direction.

Here's looking forward to working out tomorrow!

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

A New Blog

So today I decided it was time to join the masses and start a blog. My life is interesting enough - if only to me - and I feel that I should have the pleasure of writing it out once in a while to share with those interested enough to read it.

A lot is going on in my life right now, as with everybody else. Wyatt is 2 1/2, Briley is not yet 3 months, I'm about to return to work, Jeffrey and I are trying to lose weight, I'm learning to cook - finally, and my mom, who is currently living with us, is teaching me while she helps with the kids and looks for work. So you never know what's going to happen and what I'll be writting about.

The trick is, or the down-side about blogging, is that I haven't a real clue what I'm doing. So I'm going to make mistakes, screw this up a few times, and definitely won't be blogging every day. However, if you want to read what I want to write, feel free to.

This should be simple and this will be crazy. After-all, this is My Simple Crazy Life.